King Tut Mask

Step #1: Draw light guidelines down the middle and across the center of the page. Draw a large "U" in the middle that is centered on the vertical guideline.
A line closes the top, and another parallel line is added below.
Step #2: Draw the eyes, nose mouth and ears. Notice that King Tut's eyes are very high on the face. A key addition to making the Egyptian look is to add the lines on the
outside of the eyes as shown below.
Step #3: Draw neck lines below the head, and a headpiece that curves in at the bottom. Stripes are added to the headpiece. Try to do your best to make a symmetrical copy on the other. Use a Sharpie permanent markers to trace all the lines.
Step #4: Draw the details of the mask, like the shoulder and headpiece. You can add border and your own touches. Have fun and be creative.

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